BTR-4 Romanov
Almost identical to the X-81 Groundhog, the BTR-4 Romanov provides a highly secure means for infantry to penetrate hotly-contested battle zones. Utilizing a ready-launch assault pod system in some variants, the Romanov is very effective as a Titan assault vehicle, propelling infantry directly into close-range strike positions. The driver's side is fitted with a gas-actuated, medium caliber automatic, as well as a vehicle-disabling EMP grenade launcher. The gunner mans a medium-range, auto mortar.




Type-36 Hachimoto
The PAC has opted for a light, hovering attack vehicle, created for lightning strikes against enemy vehicles and troops. This speed comes at a cost: the Hachimoto¡¦s armour can only withstand small arms or machinegun fire, and both pilot and passenger are exposed. Although the driver has limited weaponry, in the gunner position you have a powerful, fast-firing 360¢X rotational grenade launcher and a remotely guided
anti-vehicle missile.




UAZ-8 Ocelot
In 2032, the PAC developed the UAZ-8 Ocelot FAV based on a stolen Bandit prototype, creating an equally dexterous, high-speed, off-road-capable transport medium. Substituting a boron carbide-filled resin aggregate armor system for the Bandit's ceramic-based matrix, the UAZ-8 Ocelot trades a negligible decrease in protection in exchange for an increase of five miles-an-hour maximum speed. Similar to its FAV contemporary, the UAZ-8 Ocelot also provides short-duration speed boosts through a hypochlorite-based, fuel-oxidization injector.



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